My Fresh Hell
Life in Scribbletown.

Swing With Me, Baby!

Awlright, my friends. I have ordered a swing set. I have found a contractor to deliver it and install it. To anchor it to the ground. It's basic but should fulfill Dusty's need for 24 hour a day swing availability. My work here is done.

I have some swell pics of Red on CD which I will soon add to flickr - I'll let you know when they're up.

Last night, she rocked out to "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen. Red's got a soft spot for hard rock. Or glam rock. Or something.

Since I'm mind-bogglingly busy, I'll just cut this short and leave you with another installment (two days worth) of Hanging With Red - the Good, the Bad, the Baby:

Bad Baby

Lots of dumb whimpering
Destroyed all food: cereal, crackers, bread
Rubbed pumpernickel bread in hair
Dumped partially-full bucket of sand out on deck
Obsessed with getting cereal and crackers!!
Got behind the old (antique, stand-alone) record player and turned off the power strip for the tv, dvd player, record player, etc.
Much food destruction
Much table, chair and blocks frustration

Good Baby

Good work putting on shoes
Super-advanced puzzle solver! Turned shapes puzzle pieces upside down to challenge self! (parallelogram wouldn't work)
Wore winter coat inside for fun
Less interest in eating rocks and walnuts
Sandbox fun
Decent nap
Said "neigh" to horses
Didn't destroy your (Dusty's) experiments in the forest
Didn't eat sand, rocks or walnuts
Fun jumping off couch onto cushions


2:29 p.m. ::
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